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Tag Archives: Organic waste

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Make Your Turkey Green This Thanksgiving

Posted on Friday, November 10, 2017
By: J.P. Mascaro & Sons
Categories: Main Category

“I want that, I want that, I want that,” is the continuous chant heard loudly from tiny voices and whispered secretly from adult voices during the holiday season as advertisements bombard us with all our projected wants and needs throughout the coming weeks. But before we hop into the gift giving and receiving holiday mode, let’s concentrate on Turkey Day and remember to...

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Tagged:Green, Recycle, Sustainability, Giving, Environment, Organic, Food scraps, Organic waste, Earth, Planet, Carbon Footprint, Kids, Children, Holidays, Thanksgiving

The Beauty of a Landfill

Posted on Thursday, October 20, 2016
By: J.P. Mascaro & Sons
Categories: Main Category  |  Recycling

The sun is beating down on the mound of a newly constructed baseball field as the pitcher winds up to throw his fastball to the batter who has spent hours swinging the bat preparing for this pitch.  In the distance, children are running around a track, pumping their legs on the swings of a playset and climbing rock walls to reach the top of an 8ft slide.  Adults and children alike...

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Tagged:Green, Recycle, Recycling, Sustainability, Giving, Community, Giving Back, Donation, Landfills, Environment, Solid Waste, Trash, Garbage, Compost, Organic, Biosolids, Organic waste, Evironmental Responsibility, Earth, Planet, Carbon Footprint, Energy Consumption, Kids, Children, dumps, recreation, parks, picnic, wildlife, baseball

Why Indoor Bulk Commercial Compost Yields a Better Product that is Better for the Environment

Posted on Tuesday, January 26, 2016
By: J.P. Mascaro & Sons
Categories: Main Category

The process of commercial composting produces a variety of undesirable byproducts unless facilitated responsibly in a state-of-the-art indoor facility.By now, most of us have a good grasp on the features, benefits and methods of composting our own food scraps and yard waste at home. It is an environmentally-responsible behavior that provides a useful product for our gardens, and is a great...

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Tagged:Green, Sustainability, Compost, Composting, Organic, Wastewater, Biosolids, Compostable, Food scraps, Organic waste, Grass clippings

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  • I would like to thank your guys who work here in the Feasterville area. I had just had both hips replaced and was outside trying to...more »

    - Richard H Myers